Saturday, January 23, 2016


I decided
It was time to fire the gun
I drove up the mountain 
with the dog and the old wooden rifle
in the winter rain

The flags at the ammo store
were hung high and pulled taught
hung square and kept clean
I brought my girlfriend's boy
because he had never fired a gun
and I was going to teach him
because we would bond
and he would never forget it

We left with 200 bullets
and a brochure about forming
the State of Jefferson, our state
the freest State in the union
Don't tell anyone 
he was only supposed to sell me 100
but the policy is not for local boys
we get to buy 200 if we want

The boy and I drove up the mountain 
up where all the towns end
we drove down a dirt road
full of pond size puddles
the kind of road that makes you love your truck

We parked next to a swollen creek
and hiked in with the gun and the dog
and followed a wide mud trail into the woods
the rain kept falling laced with the heavy
super drops that form on pine branches

The boy put some holes in his first target
and treated the gun properly
just like I taught him back at the house
the dog got so agitated at the gunfire
she jumped up and bit the barrel
after I squeezed off a round
I had the safety on, but just barely

When a boy fires a gun for the first time
his face lights up with the realization
of the initiation, the snap, the kick
the brutal power and the pin point violence
an old wooden rifle delivers

We high-fived
because firing a gun well
in the pouring rain
like starting a fire
like loving a beautiful woman
and her young son

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